Sunday, September 4, 2011

3 kinds of shining Christians

Okay Guys, tonight we're gonna share some reflection, hope this will bless you all guys, check this out:

There are 3 kinds of shining Christians.

Who acts like flashlights. He is able to bring lights to other people's life, but unable to bring light on his own. Just like flashlight which can brighten it's surrounding, but can't brighten its own body.

Who acts like lanterns. He is able to brighten his surrounding and his own life. But he can't do it without motivation from his leader, and unable to shine on his own without it. Just like lanterns which have to be pumped before it's able to shine.

Who acts like candles. He is able to brighten his surrounding and his own life. Even, he has to sacrifice his life to do that. Just like candles which is able to shine on its own and do it with pain. Candles will melt after being used to brighten the darkness.

All of above are tools for brighten the darkness. They have their own personality.

Try to be a candle which is able to shine on its own without any complaints and do it passionately. Even sacrifice its self to finish its job.

The question is, Which One Are You?

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